Sunday, December 12, 2010

MC Script

218 Meet MC
Theme: Be Happy. It is One way of being wise
WOD Celebration - Festivity

Thank you Gama for that nice introduction.
Fellow Toastmasters and guests.
To be Wise, be happy says Colette. I wondered if happiness creates intelligence. I was convinced in a short while. This is with my experience. I observed that when I was happy, I really did not do anything foolish. Even if I did one, I did it with enthusiasm, energy and people appreciated. So, I understood that the best way to do an activity is to do it with energy, enthusiasm and be happy to celebrate the result. The best example whom I could think was Charlie Chaplin. Reading his biography where he had to face tough situations in his personal life, we all know him as an entertainer. He was able to gain the name just because he kept himself happy in spite of his problems. The three best ways to be happy are
1. Do not want more
2. Do not compare
3. Do not criticize
To proceed with the meeting, let me describe the format of a TM meeting for the benefit of the guests. The session contains 3 parts.
Prepared Speech session
Table topics session
Evaluation session
In prepared speech session, members prepare speeches according to the competent communicator manual and come and deliver their speeches. The manual is designed to improve our public speaking skills in a structured manner. Proj 1 help us to introduce ourselves while we network. Project 2 to project 6 help us in practicing the various attributes in public speaking like structuring our thoughts, talking with involvement, words which we use, body language and voice. Project 7 to Project 10 help us in research, presentation , persuasion and inspiration.
The second session is a table topic session. This requires no preparation. Members/non members will be invited and asked to speak on a topic for 2 min.
The last session for today is the evaluation session. Here we have an general evaluator who will observe the proceedings of the meeting and finally deliver his opinion on the good happenings and improvement areas.
Today we have an toastmaster, who has consistently won the best speaker award for all his speeches. He is a charted accountant with GE. I request Joydeep nag to explain his role as a GE to all of us.

The great way to start the year is to be happy. Happy on celebration. Happy as today we have 5 inspiring speakers taking their projects from competent communicator manual. Happy as we are floating in the sky as members constantly involve to evolve.

The first speaker for today is attempting his project 1. Ice breaker. His individual evaluator is _________________. Can I request __________________ to read out the guidelines of project 1 ?
The Speaker registered as a member in April 09. Sooner he registered; the lady luck had blessed him with frequent travels. He neither lost his patience nor perseverance. He consistent passion for public speaking made him take a resolution to start his journey today the first week of 2010. When his mentor Vivek Mishra was not reachable, he pursued to get his speech mentored by Latha. He is a software engineer working with IBM. Lets welcome TM Prithvi Mohan to deliver his CC project 1 titled “ When am I going to take the plunge?”

The Second speaker for today is attempting his project 2. His is individual evaluator is _________________. Can I request __________________ to read out the guidelines of project 2 ?
The Speaker is a charted accountant. He has a passion to venture out in business. His passion is driving him on and I am sure that we shall soon be having our meet in an AC hall in his restaurant. His project was mentored by CK /Francis Gama/Latha. i.e He sent his speech to CK. When found that CK was busy, Francis took over to complete the task. Sooner, the speaker was busy in laying foundation for business due to which he had to slow down in his TM progress. When I called his last week and requested him to give his speech, he said, ya… The speech is an year old. Let me deliver it as it is time now.” His project title is _____________________________

The third speaker for today is attempting her project 3. Her individual evaluator is _________________. Can I request __________________ to read out the guidelines of project 3 ?
The Speaker is working with Tata consultancy services as a software engineer. “Happiness is momentary. But Wise is intelligence which stays along with wise. Happy person is not wise. “She is mentored by Pramod Shankar. Her project title is ”GOODBYE DOCTOR”

The fourth speaker for today is attempting her project 4. Her individual evaluator is _________________. Can I request __________________ to read out the guidelines of project 4 ?
The Speaker is a charted accountant. Off late her love for Tiger Woods’ and golf show that she works for Accenture. Her modest appearance shows that she is working with SAP which is associated with mainframe systems. She is a singer, speaker, stunner with high energy. She has lot of followers in our club. Her speech was mentored by Francis Gama. Her project title is Ba + Na2

The Fifth speaker for today is attempting his project 4. His is individual evaluator is _________________. Can I request __________________ to read out the guidelines of project 4 ? /
The guidelines are the same as the previous speaker.
The Speaker is a responsible Software engineer. His passion for public speaking and leadership makes him work tirelessly to achieve the expected progress. He is mentored by Latha and His project title is _____________________________

How many of you would like to come up and speak now after seeing our inspiring speakers? Now you will be given a chance. The next session of today is the table topic session. To take us thru this session, I invite a person, who is the youngest in the club, active TM, Mr. Vebhav Bhandari.

We listened. We tried. Now lets take a break before we check back our results.

Our ears were filled. Now our stomach is filled. To digest, lets get back to listen to the general evaluator of the day TM Joydeep.

Thank you Joydeep.
I am Happy

I am happy because I always choose the right moment.
I am happy because I am a good listener.
I am happy because I keep my voice down.
I am happy because I do not try to convince others.
I am happy because I do not complain.
I am happy because I do not do two things at the same time.
I am happy because I never think of two objects at the same time.
I am happy because I have realized the truth that the most important thing in my life is self-improvement.
I am happy because I unreservedly accentuate the good in others.
I am happy because I have considerably cut down on my desiring needs.
I am happy because I follow my thought-control programme every day.
I am happy because I never quit.
I am happy because every day I purify my heart by offering my heart of gratitude to the Absolute Supreme.
I am happy because I know that my love of purity works wonders.
I am happy because of a soulful daily prayer of mine, and that prayer is:

“O Beloved Supreme,
O Eternity’s Pilot Supreme,
Do transform the world
Starting with me, my life, my all.”

I am happy because every day I cry and cry to see the Real in me. The Real in me is my oneness divine, unreserved and unconditional, with the Will of my Beloved Supreme.
I am happy not because I am for my Supreme Pilot, not because my Supreme Pilot is for me, but because my Supreme Pilot eternally is. His very existence here on earth, there in Heaven, is my satisfaction. When I try to have Him for myself, I pull Him into my desire-life. But when I am for Him, I carry my desire-life into Him. In no way do I want to bind my Beloved Supreme. From now on my satisfaction, my supreme satisfaction, will lie only in my discovery of the fact that He alone eternally is.

Lyrics to Don't Worry, Be Happy :
Here's a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don't worry, be happy

in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy

dont worry be happy now
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
aint got no place to lay your head,
somebody came and took your bed,
don't worry, be happy

the landlord say your rent is late,
he may have to litagate,
dont worry (small laugh) be happy,

look at me im happy,
don't worry, be happy

i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy

don't worry, be happy

aint got no cash, aint got no style,
aint got no gal to make you smile
but don't worry, be happy

cos when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don't worry, be happy

don't worry, be happy now...

don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy

now there this song i wrote
i hope you you learned it note for note
like good little children

dont worry be happy

listen to what i say
in your life expect some trouble
when you worry you make it double
dont worry be happy
be happy now

dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry
dont worry be happy
don't worry, don't worry, don't do it,
be happy,put a smile on your face,
don't bring everybody down like this

don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,
don't worry, be happy,
i'm not worried

Speak out, Express, Voice Out

Speak out, Express, Voice Out

Trembling, mumbling and Rumbling…... My Gods to whom I pray did not have any sympathy to help me. My parents could not be with me. My friends for the first time were sitting across to me. I had the toughest job with no help.
I was on stage.. 7 years back to talk on a table topic
Half foot high platform had more amperes of the current than a live wire. There was no switch to put it off. I had to stay on.
With trouble, I spelt “ My name is LATHA”.
I smiled.
I thanked the Red card and returned back to my seat.
What I got in return was a standing ovation.
Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters and Welcome guests,
Humans have the precious tool. The Power to speak, Power to express, Power to Voice out.
I have misused or missed to use the Power to speak, Power to express and power to voice out.
Let me elaborate on those.
I went to a doctor after falling down from cycle. The doctor prescribed a TT injection and a bandage after cleaning. I said, Doctor, I am allergic to injection. Please give me tablets. He added some vitamin tablets and later said, “I will ask the nurse to give you the injection softly. Be here till I finish my patients” and he continued. I had to wait. Later he accompanied me to the nurses cabin and said, TT to be given. After the injection ask her to stay back for 3 hours so that we can check if there are any after effects.
Hm… I cursed myself. I could have better accepted the injection. My lie did not get rid of the injection. Instead made me stay back for 3 hours in the room which had a pungent smell of Phenol. I learnt that If I further talk, I better be aware of after effects. On another occasion, when I had the urgent pressure of nature call, I feared to spell it out. Result later was very embarrassing.
Bitter experiences emphasized me to “Speak out” and feel better. What to speak out ? “ The Truth, The need , The want but not The Lie, The assumption, The gossip”
Does speaking out ensures that you Express yourself. Let’s look back to some examples in history where People expressed themselves while speaking out.
"In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you.... You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it."
Abraham Lincon warned the South in his Inaugural Address. He expressed his thoughts about his countrymen on the civil war. He added on the same to express himself as the person to preserve, protect and defend it.
The spirit that guided him was clearly that of his Second Inaugural Address, now inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C.: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds.... "
Lincon clearly expresses on working towards the goal, he needs peoples help. Unfortunately, he was assassinated.
“I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther king clearly expresses his thoughts on racial equality and end of discrimination.
Leaders use the power to express themselves and guide us.
If Power to speak right by individuals are followed, Power to express is used by leaders to gain followers to achieve task, then what is Power to Voice out.
Let’s look back to the life of Gandhi.
Gandhi came back from South Africa. The thought to attain freedom was seeded strong. He spoke out to British. He expressed to Indians. Not much of help. He finally voiced out. How???
He voiced out through his actions. He voiced out by expressing and following ahimsa. He dressed himself with a dhoti. He spoke the truth. He was fearless but courageous. His soft and harmless actions created fear in the minds of British. He was calm, cool and believed in himself. He spoke, he expressed, He followed. He was determined not to leave it till he achieved it. Thus Gandhi voiced out on freedom and ensured that we achieved it.
Looking back myself, I had learnt to speak when I was born. I learnt to speak better now from toastmasters. I expressed my feelings during the happy and sad moments much to my desire. Now, I learnt how to express my feelings to lead.
This has helped me in
• Getting more friends rather than neighbors
• Getting friendly guides than advisers
• Helping hand in my path to success rather than hurting words in my path to success
• Smiles rather than cries
I feel motivated, never let down. I hear my friend and mentor saying
“Life once was very challenging, except on Wednesdays as Toastmasters always kept me stay up. Now Life is nothing by communicating with ease. Success thru communication is the winning edge”.
Toastmasters Do you want to Speak out, Do you need to express, Do you need to Voice out,
Use Toastmasters to practice and win.
Mr. Toastmaster.``

Then and Now

Then and Now – ACB 4

Then – (1986, Dec 5) Cricket stadium at sharjah
Wasim Akram Is to bowl his 5th ball. Imran instructs him to bowl properly. Akram is about to bowl. Yes, This time it is a slow ball. Azar on the other end is ready to hit. Positions himself better. Yes.. the Ball hits the bat. Power was the stroke when Azar hit it and it has gone up. Fielders in action Position themselves to catch it. Oh… It is still in air and slightly coming down. Yes. It is now down It hits the ground on the line. All eyes at field umpire. The umpire has no emotion. He is yet to decide on what to signal. Ya.. He finally signals a call for third umpire.
The third umpire figuring out on which camera output to look , finally traces and replays.
Ya it is a six. Umpires are yet to signal the decision.
Yes the Umpire signals a six. Oh… He also signals a no Ball.
Akram puts his head down and walks back.
Mr Toastmaster, fellow toastmaster and welcome guests,
The fraction of second the commentator not only pictures the field, but also gives an action happening there. This calls for good knowledge on the subject, Knowledge on the players and quickly narrating the same so that the listener gets the picture.
Radio is a wonderful invention by Marconi. In 1986 Cricket was gaining its prominence in India next to Hockey. Each house has a transistor which is used as a main media to listen to news, weather report and also the commentary of the cricket match.
Here the commentators play an important role as they need to explain the traversal of the ball from the origin (bowler’s hand) till the end. Every word is highly important so as to understand the game and visualize it. Also, it plays a major role for the cricket fans to understand the field position and the batsmen at the pavilion end. All what they hear will be reproduced to action that evening in their game. The Commentators clearly made it more exiting thru their emotions by increasing and decreasing their voice in line with each ball. Local language commentary too started becoming popular and commentators challenged the tough cricket terms and still were able to achieve the satisfaction in listeners.
“Ball flies… Yes it is about 20 feet high… Hope it crosses the boundary… Oh… It is in line… may be in… The bowler runs over and …. The ball hits the ground”
Each line has a good length for the Blood pressure for each fan to go up and down and without a clue on what is happening. This made fans to attend any match in large numbers and enjoy the action from a distant gallery. To enhance the visibility, each player wore a white and white trousers and shirt which kept them visible and the ball was red in color.
Today, the concept has changed. Radio has lost its prominence but still had opted to stay in, while television has gained its prominence.
Television has become prominent which requires high end cameras to capture the match from all directions. This called for the improvement in Camera to provide pictures with a level of detail. You may also see that the number of camera men is more than that of the players. Quality SLR cameras are fixed to capture the nuances of the each movement.
Today, commentator is uses his voice variety to a little. Commentary is no longer a stressful job. It is more an enjoyment and mistakes are easily pardoned. However, it has become highly stressful for the camera man. The number of camera men is higher than the cricket team playing in the ground. Capturing each moment in all perceptions has increased the Stress. People who are hearing do not have such a stress as they are able to see what they intend to.
Life has become much easier. The Qualifications to become a commentator has significantly come down as a person knowing cricket is enough. Everyone has an access to the Television where their knowledge can fill the rest. More analysis and better interpretation is done using technology.
Then - Knowledge was an asset, hard to earn and earning it gave us good respect. Now Knowledge is easily available at finger tips. Thanks to technology.
Mr. Toastmaster.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I have collected the catchy phrases which caught my ears in Toastmaster Meetings. I am sharing a few with you.
1. What really matters is what happens in us and not what happens to us.
2. Is consciousness is the annoying time between naps.
3. Life is a holiday, enjoy it. Life is lemonade, drink it.
4. Progress comes from the intelligent use of experience.
5. If you wanted to go fast go alone, If you wanted to go far go together.
6. Desire is the root cause of everything.
7. Start Early, Save regularly, Invest wisely.
8. A pair of jeans does not determine your genes
9. Success is never ending and failure is never final
10. Pleasure is a momentary experience. Memory lasts forever
11. Life is Short. Make it sweet.
12. Conversation is a foundation of great relationship
13. Start with an end in mind
14. Together everyone achieves more
15. Ignite the fire of passion in you
16. Overcome your fear or it will overcome you
17. The future is not what it used to be
18. Food doesn’t have any taste when we prepare to propose
19. If you want people to laugh, tell your plan
20. Pressure of Professionalism and the substance of style
21. Everyone Communicates. Few Connect
22. Entrepreneur spends some part of his life as most people won’t; Most people won’t enjoy
23. Specialty Speakers sell a product
24. Ounce of doing is much more than ton’s of talking
25. Patience Develops on being tested

Struggle to make people laugh

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ~ Alvin Toffler
Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow TM and Welcome guests
My love to become a humorous speaker was unstoppable. I started to pen down the speech, assumed that I will get people to laugh and went ahead and delivered.
Audience waited for that moment to burst. They listened with patience and perseverance. They tried hard to laugh. But NO…. 7 minutes over and I had to come back to my seat.
Dejected and De-motivated I did not stop. “How can I become a humorous speaker chendil?” is one constant question which I asked day in and out. “Keep trying … “was the regular answer.
I read websites, humor articles, quotes.. Nothing did work out for me.
I heard people telling, “Success won’t go to her head”. For which the other nodded and said “How could it? She’s never had any”
I remembered the Newton’s Third law…
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I understood it as that if I am serious, audience is supposed to laugh.
I became serious when I delivered my humorous speech. It looked as a yet another politician speech with no humor.
Every critic seeded positivity in my mind. “I can, I will make people laugh” –thought became prominent.
As the saying goes, “When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane”, I considered I was in the right path as all feedback were against me. All improvement suggestions increased my desire to work hard on humor as it was not in my way.
However, the job to make people laugh requires a few skills which I lack. I started working without direction. Sooner I got 3 golden rules from CK
Rule Number one – Try One liners
Where else can I get people to stand and applaud other than Toastmasters?
I thought, library is the best place to improve knowledge. Fact is that it improves relationships too.Safe, Calm place isn’t it with no disturbance.

Rule Number two – Compare and contrast
When I delivered my earlier humorous speeches, I did look like a lion ready to attack. Audience reciprocated their fear thru silence.
Rule Number three – Use of triad
I was rumbled, rolled and roasted on hearing CK speak. I grill it better.
The three rules looked easy. However, I still stood firm on serious speech. I work hard, harder than earlier. Sleepless nights, days assuming no pain is no gain. Later, I just thought to relax.
I quickly wanted to test my Humor quotient. I logged on to the and attended the Quiz.
With a score of 33 I was diagnosed as follows by Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
You are a Humor Apprentice - Not bad, but not good either. Although you know what humor is, you're not using in regularly enough to help you become happier, healthier, and more successful. But the good news're sitting on top of an untapped gold mine of humor!
Thank you for taking the humor quiz. Just the fact that you participated shows that you're interested in humor and lightness. But, while your score range was not the lowest possible, I am worried about you based upon your low score.
If you haven't started experiencing the repercussions of your elevated stress levels, I'm afraid you soon will.
Here is just some of what you can expect without a fairly rapid change in your focus:
• Weight gain
• Continued self-doubts
• Unexplainable fear
• Frustration
• Headaches
• Impatience
• Forgetfulness
• Hopelessness
I learnt, laughing is a Powerful Natural Medicine to Undo Years of Stress Damage to Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.
If you wanted to make people laugh, Please start your struggle today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Born to deliver

I am born before I am delivered. Poor or rich, I live with all. I build some peoples life. Accidently I pull down some people life too. I travel around the world without any visa or passport. I am faster than a flight,stronger than an elephant more wanted than money.

All in all I am the star of the world.

Madam Toastmaster Fellow Toastmasters and guests,

That was none other than NEWS which boasted about itself. People interpret NEWS as NORTH EAST WEST SOUTH. I.e the boundary of what it carries.

True to what it says, each one of us buy news paper, browse internet, listen to Radio, get hooked to our chairs to watch the idiot box to get an update on current happenings.

Chandrachur and I were walking down in a mud road in Sarjapura. Lawyers fling shoes at judges said a news paper banner. Tea shops have a wonderful way of inviting people by having news papers shared freely. Without hesitation Chandra and myself walked to the tea shop. It was slightly whistling and he pulled out the economic times placed there for its customers and read out loud. Lawyers fling shoes at judges. The judge stood back courageously to get the other one to make a pair Chandra was jumped in exhilaration. I quickly moved farther to keep myself away from splashing water. Chandra... I yelled. Current news is always creates a shock in you. They are short lived and has a purpose of most publicity.

Idot box, radio has a sub category of current news called the breaking news. A car and truck hit near pallipalaya. 1 cat, 2 stray dogs, 5 men were killed and 2 injured. Traffic disrupted for 10 hours These are real breaking news. These cause delay in completing your activity.

Petrol prices rise. Lorries on strike. Vegetable prices soar. board has announced the disruption of power in following areas for preventive maintenance. Kaveri water supply will be disrupted in the following areas Regular updates are news which appear at a predicted time. The regular news play an important role in our day to day life. But these news are expected and appear at the scheduled time year after year or month after month. In absence, we tend to make them by creating one.

Dhoni escorts Zoya to ranchi

My heart started beating fast. Tick tick tick tick… Is Dhoni married?? I quickly went to the details in sports page. Dhoni fell in love with Misty. He came to know that a pup from misty’s litter need a care taker. He did not hesitate, but came down to escort Zoya to admit in his dog club. Dhoni drinks 12 liters of cow milk, sorry 1 liter of milk, has 3 dogs in is house and dog club and more than 23 bikes.

By this time, I was back attentive and checked to understand that the sports page contains life history of people along with score boards and standings. Idiot box and radio are a bit matured. They do not mix-match news.

Hot news is those which break hearts. Dhoni has a huge crush on Deepika Padugone. literally made my friend Vidhya cry and stay away from food for a week. In another instance, Shilpa Shetty engaged to Raj kundra for a new beginning crushed my friend suchith’s heart. Hot news are to heat up the emotions. Hot news cause greater damage to individuals. Suchith celebrated when shilpa broke up with Akshay kumar and later with Anubhav Sinha due to parental disapproval.

Entertainment news are published as separate addendum to the main paper. They are special. They are full of gossips that many love to read it without missing a line. It takes lacs to get into those dirty gossips. It is fun reading it. I did love to read the gossips, that too of beauties. Bipasa basu is satisfied with her curves. We have to live with what we have.

The most ambiguous title prompted me to read further.

When contacted Bipasa Basu on her dieting schedule, She said that she is satisfied with her curves and she is no way following any diet schedule or workout to enhance her curves. I was frustrated. I too have curves. I try to eat out to enhance my curves. With a paradox of contraction and enhancement, I too should have figured in the leading daily addendum isn’t it. But a recent enlightment made me realize that they need size 0 and not a real zero.

Toastmasters, Recent survey states that there are 40 % increase in news channels and papers. Instant communication of the happenings is like a heartbeat. Mobiles have news alerts in form of value added services. You can opt to choose your category. All these show News is a STAR and most required. None can live without it. But all cannot be in it.

Never Ending Wonderful Story

New Emerging Writers Series

Neighborhood Emergency Watch Service

Numerical Environment for Weapons Simulation

Mr. Toastmaster.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rise to the sky

Triumph is the habit for Roger Federer. He won 15 Grand Slams.he holds the World No 1 title for more than 237 weeks now. What is the reason behind his success?
Lets look back at his career.
In 1998 at the age of 17, he lost 3 times in a row in an ATP tournament
In 1999, He lost 8 times in first round and 4 times in second round
In 2000 he lost 14 matches and finished at number 28
In 2001 He finished at no 12. But still he lost 6 times in a year
In 2002 he finished at no. 6. He had some losses too.
In 2003 he lost in the finals against felix mantilla
But now, he is No 1.
His failures could in no way stop him. The past does not affect the future unless we decide it to do so. Roger ensured that he can play any strategy that his opponent may plan.
He focuses on what he wants. Triumph. When he starts playing, all he wants goes to the subconscious mind and starts driving him. He plays in the present. He just focuses on how to strike the ball. He neither thinks about the past nor about the future during the game. However, He plans when he is out of his court. He does not let his past affect his future. His positive thinking has always lead him to the front.
I.e. Big thinking calls for planning
Big planning calls for preparation
Big preparation calls for hardwork
Hard work calls for achievement.
Fellow Toastmasters and guests,
Each one of us here want to conquer the world. Each one of us want to be the best speaker and a humble listener, be a leader and also a follower. Paradox in thoughts should not anchor us at a point, instead help us move forward.
Taking on the role of Vice president Education, I intend to highlight a few needs of the club.
Committee plans to work towards DP by dec 09.
We must have 6 CC’s and 10 CLs in next 6 months.
We must have 4 AC’s and 3 ALs in next 5 months.
I believe membership will flow in automatically to a successful club. When the quest to perform is high, everyone would like to have the readymade information available to them from the district training programs. To fulfill their wishes, they ensure to follow the guidelines and naturally induct the new members too.
I have an added challenge placed before me by the executive committee of our club. We want each member to move up by 3 speeches. We want each member to be educated about the club roles and also about their opportunities in Toastmasters.
I sat down and started looking out for show stoppers.
1. I sensed that the burden on mentors was not equally distributed. Some mentors were loaded with mentees while some were not.
2. Absence of prescribed schedule based on which each member can Plan, Prepare and Perform.
3. An online tracking system to track member’s progress.
I started with a clean slate. I quickly tried to gather the data. Thanks to my term as a secretary last term where I had the Minutes of the Meeting consolidated in a single workbook. I down loaded the member list from Toastmasters site and consolidated the data. To my astonishment, I found that the activity was easy as there were only 12 members who has renewed the membership and the rest 28 were new ones. Shock of my life was that only six out of the 12 were regular. The statistics tweaked my brain’s grey cells. “Membership retention should be the main goal” said my conscious. I quickly tried to get a snapshot of member records. But none were available except one. I decided to collect the goals individually. I made calls to the mobile numbers registered in the site. I was correctly directed to 25 calls. 15 calls either lead to a voice mail or was switched off.
I now consolidated the data for this 25 members and started the term. I still have a big challenge ahead. The challenge as to how to get the complete data. Challenge as to how to accelerate the growth. Growth of the individual. Growth of the club.
When I put my points straight, I was offered support. Today, I stand before all of you bringing in the members equally distributed among the mentors who have been certified as competent communicators or advanced communicators. Each mentor assured that their mentees will be given equal attention and support. Mentors also assured to train and increase the number of mentors by educating them on mentoring.
The next step was to get the plan in place. I sent out mail to you all asking for your goals. I received immediate replies from most of them. This provided me the input for scheduling roles and your speeches. There too I had a starting trouble. I circulated the draft for a month. I am happy to have most of the scheduled speeches in line with the plan.
My next plan is to extend this for the term. I am in the process of creating the same. I have some new challenges where I need the schedule to be flexible to accommodate opportunities for new joinees and ensure their growth too. I plan to come with that flexible plan by the end of August 2009. Plan, Prepare and Perform has been addressed through the schedules and mentors. How about tracking?
I want all your views and thoughts for an online tracking system.
With this plan and preparation, I am sure we will raise to the sky and go beyond. After all what is sky. It is just a few miles from here.
Mr. TM